The 2020 membership subscription was due on 1st January 2020. The deadline for payment is 28th February 2020. However, all graduating members are encouraged to pay by 15th February 2020 to enable full confirmation of graduation. The Graduation Ceremony will be held on Saturday 22nd February 2020. Pay now to avoid late payment penalties.
ZIBFS Members are hereby notified that Annual Subscription Invoices can be accessed online as follows:
- Go to the Institute website on www.zibfs.com or click HERE
- Click on the “student login” window on the right side of the home page. The Student Management System will open with a login screen.
- For the username: Enter your membership number (without ZA)
- If you have not yet changed your password, use the default password in full as test1234
- When you have managed to log on using the default password, please change your password on “Account Settings” menu item.
- To access your annual subscription invoice click on “Registration”, and then on “Register”. Please ensure that the category of membership appearing is the relevant one for you. If not, select the correct category from the drop-down menu by clicking the downward arrow on the far right side.
- Once the correct membership category is reflecting click on “Get invoice for 2020” and a proforma invoice will show.
- To print the invoice, click “print invoice” and then press the “Control” and “P” buttons on your keyboard.
Benefits of Individual Members of the ZIBFS
Individual members benefit from being part of the most prominent professional body in Zambia. The following list articulates some of the key benefits:
- Enhanced personal Industry recognition
- Access to the full range of the Institute programmes
- Access to internship opportunities in collaboration with financial institutions
- The Institute is the established professional education body which sets the standards in banking education in Zambia.
- Institute courses are relevant to your career needs and will help you do your job better.
- Institute courses are designed specifically to allow you to combine work and study.
- The Institute’s high collaboration with both local and international universities/institutions allows you to progress from certificate through diploma to University degree (and then, entry to masters level) – the courses you pass count towards the next phase of your educational development.
- Institute courses provide maximum flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and to decide when and where you study.
- Institute courses are offered via a national delivery system (combining conventional class through various colleges/ part-time lectures and distance education).
- Access to the Institute’s available publications and promotional materials. The publications cover issues of direct relevance to members and include information on both industry and Institute developments and activities.
- Access to Lectures and seminars that may be organised throughout the year.
- Attendance of Institute Social Activities and Conferences
Benefits of Studying with the Institute:
- You obtain a Certificate in Banking & Finance after an equivalent of 1st year of University studies
- You obtain a Diploma in Banking & Finance after an equivalent of 2nd year of University studies.
- Studying with the Institute enables a student to acquire practical banking knowledge and qualifications such as the Certificate, Diploma, Professional Diploma and Advanced Professional Diploma in Banking & Finance as they progress to study for a banking degree with a University of their choice. These ZIBFS qualifications would enable one to obtain employment while they pursue higher studies with a University.
- Other benefits include Industry recognition as a registered member of the Zambia Institute of Banking & Financial Services, access to available publications, discussion forums and other industry-related information in the course of study.
- Studies can either be done on self-study, distance-learning or full-time study modes.
- Working professionals can study from the comfort of their offices or homes without any intervention of a tutor because comprehensive study material is available.
- For academic programmes, tuition is provided through various reputable colleges across the country.
Enrolment is in progress for January 2020 intake for examinations to be held in April or June 2020.
- The annual subscription is due on 1st January 2020 and runs up to 31st December 2020. The deadline is on 28th February 2020 and a penalty fee of K100 is charged on subscription payments made after this date.
- Should you require additional information or help, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute through email on accounts@zibfs.com or reception@zibfs.com or call 0211237281 / 0977141342