This serves to notify you that the April 2019 examination results will be released on Friday, 7th June 2019 at 12:00hrs. Please note that all examination statements of results will be accessed online on the student portal by the student. Print your April 2019 Examination Statement of Results online by following the Instructions below:
1. Go to the Institute website on www.zibfs.com
2. Click on the “student login” window on the right side of the home page. The Student Management System will open with a login screen.
3. For the username: Enter your membership number (without ZA)
4. If you have not yet changed your password, use the default password in full as test1234
5. When you have managed to log on using the default password, please change your password on “Account Settings” menu item.
6. To access your results slip, click on “Examinations”, and then on “Results”. Your detailed statement of results will show.
7. To print the Statement of Results, press the “Control” and “P” buttons on your keyboard.
Please note that students are no longer required to collect examination results from the Institute Offices unless where there is an error to be rectified. Further, the Institute will not send out/post any statements of results to students. All examination results are accessible online.
Registration for October 2019 examinations is currently on-going until 15th August 2019. Examination forms and timetable for April 2019 examinations can be requested for through email to reception@zibfs.com / education@zibfs.com or downloaded from the Institute’s website.
Should you require additional information or help, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute through email on reception@zibfs.com or education@zibfs.com.
Zambia Institute of Banking & Financial Services
Plot 284A, Namambozi Road
Fairview, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 237281
Email: reception@zibfs.com ; education@zibfs.com
Webiste: www.zibfs.com