1. Overall best graduating student award at diploma sponsored by Bank of Zambia.
2. Inaugural ZIBFS President’s award sponsored by the President of the Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services.
3. Internship award sponsored by Access Bank Zambia.
This was a real life-changing experience and today still remains one such of a kind; a very good opportunity was presented before me to enter the corporate world straight from college through Access Bank Zambia’s internship program in collaboration with the Zambia Institute of Banking & Financial Services (ZIBFS). A thing I never pictured in my mind at any point during college. This always reminds me that, if one gives in the best at whatsoever they do, the rest will take care of itself. This is a promise from God [for I reward the diligent worker] no one living or dead can mention a thing that He cannot do. Your situation may not be a carbon copy of my case, however, this truth stands and I can attest to it.
When I was halfway through college, one of my lecturers gave me an eye-opening lesson. He said, “You have a chance today to put in the best of yourself in your studies, or lazy around and reap the benefits.” It clicked in me a few days later when I realized that the message behind the lesson was in fact a universal truth most of us know, that is, we can only reap what we sow.
My dear ZIBFS colleagues still studying with the Institute and those that have completed, whatsoever opportunity that comes your way, give it a try and do not back out. Will it be easy? NO. Will you face challenges? YES.
Things may not be so clear and certain as you begin, yet be least assured that as you move forward, the journey
will begin to unfold and make much more sense than when you started. In his 2011 Stanford commencement speech, the late Steve Jobs said and I quote, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust the process that the dots will definitely connect.” 10 years from now we will appreciate ourselves for having been courageous enough to step in the waters.

The whole experience during the Internship Program was awesome, positive, and very interesting. My supervisor, the team members, and the staff around were very supportive and for this I am grateful. The program gave me valuable hands-on experience which is essential in the industry. My fellow students, I want to encourage you that the ZIBFS qualification is up to date with industry trends and thus relevant in the world of banking, finance, and beyond.
In March 2021, after a successful internship program, I accepted an offer from Access Bank Zambia for the role of Relationship Officer, and I was super excited to join the Bank on a full-time basis. I know this is a new challenge, yet a positive move and a step forward in the right direction.
As fresh graduates, let us, therefore, use every opportunity that comes our way and apply ourselves with everything in us and act as though it were the only thing we had, after all, it may be the only chance given to us and so if we miss it, we miss a great deal.
Lastly, I would like to extend my special thanks to the management of the Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services and Access Bank Zambia.
Mutale Sampa
ZIBFS Best Graduating Student – Class 2019