“Increase and improve your portfolio through Agricultural Finance”
The Zambia Institute of Banking & Financial Services (ZIBFS) and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Germany), will be holding a three (3) days intensive training in Agricultural Finance. Limited places available. Register Early.
Dates: 17th – 19th July 2019
Charges: 300 Euro or Kwacha Equivalent (discounted) for 3 days of intensive training (materials, certification and lunch/ refreshments included)
Target Group: Loan officers and employees requiring knowledge about agricultural lending techniques
Training Objective
This training is designed to give bankers and employees in financial institutions an introduction to agricultural lending and its application in the context of Zambia The goal of the training is to equip participants with the fundamentals of agricultural lending in order for them to use this in their daily work and be able to better understand the sector and thus assess loan applications of farmers more adequately, as well as to take better decisions throughout the loan cycle, for both, the bank and the client
- Basics of agricultural finance ( rural vs. agri farming), needs of farmer and opportunities for financial service providers
- Typical challenges and risks of agricultural lending
- Overview of the agriculture sector and characteristics of the market in agricultural lending in Zambia (supply and demand)
- Agricultural Loan appraisal credit assessment and cash flow analysis, scoring tools
- Risk mitigation: collateral, scoring tools, agri-insurance, portfolio management
- Climate-smart agriculture and climate change adaptation
- Innovations in A gri-lending (contract farming, warehouse receipts, value chain finance, digital channels)
Key Take-Aways
- How to successfully lend to farmers
- How to mitigate main risks in agri-lending
- How lending to farmers can be beneficial for your Financial institution
Registration Procedure
- For registration visit the website: http://www.msmefinanceafrica.eu/en/zambia
- Discounts will be applied according to the numbers of participants from the same institution
- Registration deadline: 7th July 2019
Contact Zambia
Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services
Ms. Esther Lwele
Regional Training Coordinator
Email: education@zibfs.com
Tel.: +260 211 237281
Website: www.zibfs.com
Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services
Ms. Esther Lwele
Regional Training Coordinator
Email: education@zibfs.com
Tel.: +260 211 237281
Website: www.zibfs.com
Contact Frankfurt Germany
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Ms. Jennifer Schiebel
Training Coordinator
Email: j.schiebel@fs.de Tel.: + 49 69 1540083 493
Website: www.msmefinanceafrica.eu
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Ms. Jennifer Schiebel
Training Coordinator
Email: j.schiebel@fs.de Tel.: + 49 69 1540083 493
Website: www.msmefinanceafrica.eu