The ZIBFS wishes to remind all its old and new members (Corporate & Individual) that the 2020 Annual Membership Subscription is due! The deadline for payment of 2020 Membership Subscription fees for all categories is 28th February 2020. Enrolment is also in progress for 2020 January in-take on all ZIBFS programmes.
Members are encouraged to access their 2020 membership subscription invoices online to enable them process payment, by following the steps shown below.
To access your student account online, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to zibfs.com and click on member login or student login. The Student Management System will open with a login screen.
- Enter your membership number (without ZA) for the username and enter your password.
- For members who are logging in for the first time or have not yet changed their passwords, please use test1234 for your password. When you have managed to log on, please change your password on Account Settings menu item.
- If you have successfully logged on, click on “Registration”, and next on “Register” and then on “Get Invoice for 2020”, for you to access your invoice. Please ensure that the category of membership appearing is the relevant one for you. If not, select the correct category from the drop-down menu by clicking the downward arrow on the far right side.
Should members require any further assistance or stamped invoices, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute on contact details provided below.
Tel: 0211237281; 0977141342; 0966966169; 0977711037;
Email: accounts@zibfs.com; marketing@zibfs.com; education@zibfs.com; reception@zibfs.com
Address: Plot 284A, Namambozi Road, Fairview, P.O Box 35571, Lusaka
ZIBFS Secretariat.